Saturday, October 16, 2010

Do or Do Not.

There is no cookie cutter Adventure. Each of us knows what we consider an Adventure. You may even think you haven't even really experienced Adventure, but I bet you have.

I believe we inspire one another through sharing our experiences with others who possess similar interests. With that said, that is why I'm creating this blog. I would love to hear about some of your Life Adventures, share some of mine and in that recipe of sharing I bet somewhere.. sometime.. each of us may inspire something in one another .. to venture out and try something new or even help some of us deal with certain Life situations after learning more about your experiences!

I'd love to hear about your Adventures so add a comment! It can include you experience with any of the below topics or just go for it and share whatever adventure you would like:

• If it’s about a place you’ve visited, then share where you've been, why you went, what you got from the experience!
• If it's about an event (like bungee jumping, sky diving, etc) tell what it was, what inspired you to do it and what the experience was like for you!
• If it’s a strange foodie dish, give us insights as to what it was, why you tried it and your experience!
• If you went through a significant Life change (a move to a new city, a complete career change, experienced a layoff that changed up your life, recovered from an illness, etc) ~ what it was, what was involved in that change, and your experience.

Go on ~ start sharing! I’m Ready, Set to Lift Off by reading about your Adventures!

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