Sunday, March 24, 2013

Catalyst Challenge - Positive Change Adventure -" Your Uniqueness isyour Superpower"

"While we have the gift of life, it seems to me the only tragedy is to allow part of us to die - whether it is our spirit, our creativity or our glorious uniqueness."

To often in our society, others try to mold us into what they feel we "should be" and I'll tell you this... some things (ok most:) - I have wonderful parents) my parents told back in the day were indeed true.. just took me a while to find out for myself through experience. That's the circle of Life, to find somethings on our own and try to do the same for the younger generation.. share what we know they will go through and some they will listen to.. some they will need to experience on their own. What I won't do is discourage someone to try in the direction of their dreams or of being themselves. It is an effort to be your own self and cancel the noise of others trying to make you like the sea of sameness... funny how that works, because I find the sea of sameness incredibly boring while recognizing there is comfort in being a part of that sea of sameness. I've always been pretty fierce (aka stubborn) in the quest to be myself. AND to not judge others who seem different... rather I strive to find how we are connected... there are always some similarities you can relate with and it is a quest for me to find it, each and everytime.. and I'm quite successful at doing it, I must say.. must be the years of military brat training that I am oh so grateful for :)

I'm a strong believer in listening to your inner desires & follow your dreams. I am practical, yes, not all dreams manifest & some turn to nightmares! Take time to know what you want! That'll minimize the nightmare turn;). Often dreams refine due to gaining more information.. You thought you wanted abc, over time & learning more, you realize zyx is sooooo much better for your future:) Don't rush Great.

I'm BIG dreamer doer... I am not a can't do person.. I'm going to root for you to pursue your dreams bc too often people take themselves out if the game with self sabotage.. If you want it, do the work & go in that direction. Does everything work everytime... No, but you keep going & keep trying different approaches to get closer to it. Nothing Great came without great effort. As I mentioned, I am practical (I'm a Capricorn, it's how I roll:).. You should have a Plan B & willingness to see if changes are necessary if you are getting no results. Changing & refining plans are a good thing... Keeps it fresh & keeps things in motion.

"Perfection itself is imperfection."

Life becomes richer when you stop judging others and rather find ways to connect. Are you perfect. No. I know I'm not perfect.. so why are so many consumed with pointing out where they think someone is not good enough. I love a quote I read (I like a lot of the inspirational ones) that says something along the lines of Fix Yourself before your try to Fix Others. So True! No one is greater than you, no matter if they think they are.. what title they hold.. never forget that You are important and your actions are important in the smooth rhythm of Life. Each of us has gifts to give the world.. and I believe the World would be much Greater if we REALLY encouraged and elevated one another.. it would be a true catalyst for awesomeness. Start getting busy ingiting Greatness through your interactions ~ Dare you!

I share these thoughts with you because they serve as a good reminder to myself, as well:)

Guess what ~ my mission for you?
Catalyst Challenge!
What are you doing now that is impacting in some way, shape or form, positive change?
I'd love to hear.. I'm certain my fellow adventurers are up to great things ~Fess up!! Would love to be inspired by your story! :)

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