Sunday, March 24, 2013

Catalyst Challenge - Positive Change Adventure ~ "Making Connections"

“When YOU stop believing one person in the world cannot make a difference; differences in the world will be made.”
Kellie Elmore

For those who know me, many see my sonic boom energized laughing self. I like to share that self freely with others. I enjoy seeing the transformation that I often do when people let their guards down & enjoy the conversation.. yes, we can be talking work & yes, I have and have had a long professional career... does not mean I can't strive to enjoy every conversation.. Do I? No, I don't love every conversation...but believe me I strive to find a connection in the majority of interaction.

I used to be so busy in the rat race.. Too busy exerting energies on things that didn't mean much in the end. I will always be wired to commit fully to things I '"sign up for" ~ just my wiring & personal drive to give my best efforts or why do it? I will be better about seeing things for what they are & being mindful where those energies are largely deposited. That perspective & insight I've learned from experience. I feel knowing this now & more clearly.. that is the gift of wisdom over time & I will continue improving my sights on what's important & more importantly:) what is not. We only have so much time... I see more clearly that wasted time sucks:) bc I have and want to experience so much more... Exciting to have a fire within...& one that wants me to continue to do more.

Anyways, going back to people & connecting.. the World would so much greater if we found more ways to connect and build relationships, versus find fault or differences. I grew up on military bases overseas. Knew no one when I moved to the Los Angeles area to obtain my college degree, enter the rat race & lived for many moons. When I moved to Richmond I knew no one. I found connections through an unexpected & new frontier to me... Social Media. My upbringing, the nature of meeting new people frequently enough, I realize has given me the gift of connecting with people regardless of any difference really. I seek to find ways to connect. That also is a reason why, I realize, that I'm particularly welcoming of new people.. Mainly at work... bc I not only know what it's like to be new, but really understand it makes sense for people to feel great & welcomed from a community/business sense so they can acclimate faster... It's also extremely important, in my opinion, to do this as a human being. Investing in quality connections builds stronger communities. I personally want to be around other people who are happy, confident, encouraging, good people.. By sonic booming positivity, I see many times that being a catalyst that sparks that smile & energized conversation with others... that makes those moments.. Those interactions, where we connect & share a good laugh relating about something, pump me up:) I can have those moments with complete strangers I meet.. or those I've known my entire Life.

A mantra I now have is to seek ways to make a connection, relate & at least one great shared laugh in that interaction. That is one of my many quests & my track record is great:) I want a Life I not only enjoy... but one I look back on with a warm smile knowing I enjoyed the ride & ignited positivity/inspiration, wherever I have been.

I challenge you to make more connections, offer up a warm conversation to another, make a connection. So many of us are "plugged" in to things that seem important, but inspiring others.. inspiring greatness through connections.. that is something magical. Know what? A realization I have that fires up my happy feat is knowing, even it isn't me who invents the next best thing or idea, I may be a catalyst along this journey of Life by encouraging someone to go for their dreams, to cancel out the noise, the naysayers (there are plenty & even though some may have good intentions, you must decide what you want to do)... You must believe in yourself, 100%, and work to razor sharp zone in on what you want, commit to it, and you will get there.

I share these thoughts with you because they serve as a good reminder to myself, as well:)

Guess what ~ my mission for you?
Catalyst Challenge!
What are you doing now that is impacting in some way, shape or form, positive change?
I'd live to hear.. I'm certain my fellow adventurers are up to great things ~Fess up!! Would love to be inspired by your story! :)


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