Sunday, April 6, 2014

Gorgeous RVA weekend! Go out & play:-)

Beautiful weather this weekend! Today started off right with a good brunch date with my friend Dionne. We went to Weezies in Carytown. Great chill spot. 

Then an impromptu stop by a favorite James River spot netted me some unexpected sights & more intel about where to fish around here. Love when that happens!:-)

I saw a bunch of Richmind Fire Department trucks & found out they were there for a Water Rescue training exercise. I was a tad late to catch the action & only caught glimpses of them packing up. I chatted it up with a family who was watching the action. They told me that crew was simulating rescues like helping people stuck on rocks. Then I talked with a guy going out on the water. I asked him about his boat & he filled me in on some local fishing spots. I'm looking forward to getting out to fish soon!

Here are a few action pictures I snapped. 

Richmond Fire Department Water Rescue. Wish I caught them in action. Maybe another time!

Spring is here!:-) 

This view Never gets old. I just love it!
Chatted with this guy & he shared some fishing spots. Good intel!
Nice river ride.
Beautiful sky! Can tell by the cloud patterns ~ windy up there.:-)
Took this beautiful shot yesterday. I just love how the blossoms fly off the trees. Nature's confetti ~ So lovely. :-)

It has been a gorgeous weekend here in Richmond, Virginia! (RVA). What outdoorsy shenanigans were you up to this weekend?

Today's blog theme song is Pharrell Williams, Happy.. The RVA video!

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