Thursday, April 18, 2013

Pilot Ground School Day 1 ~ Flying Adventure

Wow, excited & exciting! Day 1 of class with Jim, check! Enjoyed it.

New Kent Aviation (NKA) has a great kit with what seems to include all I need. I like the syllabus & manual. I'm looking forward to learning & applying the skills I gain!!

Hey Richmond.. When you say, "What's up?" Soon... The answer will be Me:)

So, this Awesome adventure has begun!!
Love this quote.
"For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards, for there you have been and there you will long to return." ~ Leonardo da Vinci


Here's some pics of my first day of class, new NKA kit& my own headset!

Leaving work, I spotted this heart shaped cloud..
come on, you see it, too!

My NKA pilot kit! Looking forward to getting to know these guys!

I like my new bag NKA!
Nice pilot log

Like this handbook

Folds out with all sorts of information, visuals

Yes, indeed:) Glad to start my flying adventures here in Virginia @ NKA
Interested in flying - check out NKAs site
I recommend doing a Discovery flight if you are interested in trying out this flying experience.
Stay tuned for more of my blogging adventures as I document my experiences!
If you're a pilot or working on your license or just interested in it, but haven't gotten started, drop a comment.. would love to hear your story!


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