Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Pilot Ground School Day 4 ~ Flying Adventure

Alicia was our instructor for the night for Class 4. She was knowledgable & sounds like she has great experience. We rapid fired through Chapter 6 ~ Flight instruments & Chapter 3 ~ Aerodynamics of Flight.

I especially enjoyed the flight instrument coverage because it helped me connect more dots reflecting on my flight last Sat.

Here are some pics of the flight instruments from my ground school pilots manual... Much more studying to go, but no other options... Got to get it!!

Getting to know flight instruments, getting to know about them!!

Airspeed indicator


Turn coordinator ~ all this gyro talk is making me hungry ;)

Attitude indicator ~ wouldn't it be nice if we had an adjustable AI for people ~ just saying!;)

Magnetic compass

Don't put stuff by the magnetic compass Yo!!!

Nice view leaving NKA after class

Force is strong with this Sat ~ Booked my 2nd flight ~ May the 4th be with you:)

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