Saturday, July 6, 2013

Aviation Adventures: So good to be UP:)

Can't believe it was a month & like 6 days since my last flight!! June was busy & soggy!! Great with visits to see friends. Soggy with all the bad weather coming through these parts. 

With the forecast of great weather today, I had to snag time to fly at New Kent Aviation! Was extremely pleased that Doug sent out a special rate for today's booking. After seeing it, I booked immediately:D

Flew with Pete today. Great flight! Felt really great to be back in the pilot seat & practicing maneuvers!

Crosswind takeoff today from runway 28. Left aileron & right rudder!:) 

It was hot outside, but dang it felt great to be UP! Not too much traffic in the Northern practice area. Looking forward to more fly time! 

A few pics to share when I did not have controls:)

Pete's tip for me.. Finger line up for a straight & level check horizon reference.
I spy the runway!
One of the many rivers. I enjoy seeing things from up high in the blue sky:)
Pete coming in for landing on runway 28
Love this line up!!!

A Great Fly Day. I'm still smiling:)
When I'm up in the sky maneuvering, I don't give a second thought that I'm up in the sky. Feels natural. Still have lots to learn, but I feels like I'm in my element. 

I'm grateful to have found this passion for flying. It's better than a dream because its Real!:)

Don't dream, you can do so much with practice, training, preparation, dedication & great mentirs/teachers who elevate you. Surround yourself with those who support your success!:)

Don't settle for 2nd best. No regrets.
Live it UP!:)

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