Saturday, November 23, 2013

Quickie Farmers Market Adventure Trip

Morning started off no bueno when I was perusing my online statement to find fraud activity ~ Boo!! What is wrong with criminals... Oh, yah... They are wrong! Reported those charges. Tis the season folks, so keep an Eye on your statements! 

Then it was some pumpkin spice coffee before a very quick trip to my local
farmers market ~ South of the James ~ for healthy local produce. LOVE IT!

Go get some good eats! Enjoy the beautiful day:)

Get your green on!!
Who says produce isn't beautiful
Of course, a sky pic;)
Hmm future tennis date followed by a fire in the fire pit ~ maybe
My goodies! Yum! The lettuce at Walnut Hill Farms was as big as a human head! $1 fresh local lettuce.. YES!!

What goodies did you pick up this weekend at a local farmers market?

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