Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Pilot Ground School Day 2 ~ Flying Adventure

Good class session with John! He knows his stuff!! We covered the chapters on airframe & engine. We got to pop into the hanger & view an open engine, a twin engine piper comanche to see the complete plane parts (empennage, fuselage, wings, wheels & propellers), spot things like the static diffusers, where the fuel is pumped, saw the components of the wing (ribs, spar, etc) & more. It's amazing how light the material is... Like super light, but w the ribs, spar, skin, etc the plane is strong!

Was neat to see what looked like a kit plane being put together. Parts like a puzzle organized for assembly.

Excited to learn more and.... booked my first flight this weekend. WooHoo! It'll be great to apply knowledge I'm gaining through these class sessions & my studying. Ready or Ready!!

Here are a few pics from Class 2 at NKA here in Virginia!

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