Saturday, May 4, 2013

My Virginia Cessna Flying Adventures - 5/4/2013

May the Fourth be with you... it was with me today as I enjoyed my second Virginia Flight at New Kent Aviation (NKA)!

Today flew the 152 ~ two seater Baby!

Taxiing, which is no big, wasn't as smooth as I wanted. I'm usually aggressive ~ ask my brother how I drive ~ but in the 152 I wasn't giving enough kick to control the taxiing as smoothly as I felt I should. Next time I giving that umphh kickage! Got to use those legs.

Was a cloudy day, but once in flight the weather cleared up which rocked!!

Jim took off & had me do a variety of maneuvers during our hour flight. I looked out a lot more today. I feel so great up there! Yes, I'm still learning... Much to learn & experience, but I felt better about today's flight than the last one feeling the "dots connect" more, especially in the looking out vs fixating on the instruments.. piecing together the airspeed, altimeter, vsi... I've got heading & the turn coordinator down, more comfortable with the throttle adjustments. Have a lot to learn, including adjusting my ears to familiarize with the constant chatter on the radio... through experience & seeing how great Jim is at flying is good stuff! Kept hearing Orange County (no not that OC) & jumpers... Didn't see any para shooters.. That would have been cool. It was a peaceful flight. Fun times & then some!

Eager to get more fly time. Today, watching outside.. Flying high above the green terrain of Virginia, I had a great feeling knowing I'm so going to be traveling this way in the future when I have my license ... Flying me, fam & friends to fun destinations. So.Very.Exciting!

The Force is Absolutely Strong & must be used wisely... Always!

A few pics during preflight discussion, preflight check of 152 & just before landing.
GiddyUP ✈

Ok, here's Jims drawing.. preflight..
 talking runway, altitude, flaps, knots in downwind, base and final.

Flying N49134

Yah.. key to hit Refresh - Thank for the heads up, Jim!
Important to know your load weight allowable.

Gotta get this book - Jim swears by it! I saw his highlighted up the wazzoo!

Precheck flight

Got to check out the dets on each plane.. t his one showing the fuel on off positioning

Trim - Ready for take off

Here is Jim testing the stall horn

Checking out the sock

Jim lining up the runway on our left

Runway in sight! Btw - check out that awesome sky! Didn't notice it until I looked at this pic because I was so fixated on watching his landing

Moments before feeling the wheels touch

Pilot is Me :)

Beautiful Virginia sky

Love the Virginia sky

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