Friday, May 10, 2013

Pilot Ground School Day 6 ~ Flying Adventure

Class 6 with Alicia covered more of the chapters on Human pilot details & Regulations.

The Human Pilot ~ physical fitness, healthy habits, the ability for your body to deal with changes in pressure, movements, etc... and a clear, focused mind, & Great decision making abilities, nothing less then full focus, when flying.

I really dig how strict & demanding aviation is... It's not for slackers, no way! I can tell no matter how much I learn this is a skill, ability I will always respect...always be full focused, be challenged... They say if you get the fly bug in the blood it's for Life...I knew this was for me the very first time I took flight. I'm in Love & feel in my element! Excited for more experience & knowledge!

Pics of class 6

Good ears are uber important in this fly thing:)
Don't you be wascally inner ear!
Just say no to motion sickness :P
Pilots must use the Force Wisely ~ take off & landings push the highest demands on pilot mental workloads, but the entire flight requires respect & attention.. I dig it!
The best decisions must be made
Again Best decisions must be made.. Make the right decisions ~ no foolish, macho schtuff 
Hazardous attitudes = Huh
Strong decision making Required
Regulations chapter ~ I like Rules for Safety!
Pilot Qualifications ~ whatcha flying? 
Me ~ Category -> Airplane!
Pilot Certification ~ Your Med Cert & Paperwork required
Pilots are responsible. 
Airplane paperwork better be straight & Pilots must check them to verify!
One of my favorite views... 
Night Guys, Fly you soon:)

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