Saturday, July 20, 2013

Great Flying

Best crosswind takeoff yet! :) Smooth & felt awesome!

First time practicing power off stalls. Was good! You have an acute awareness that the stall is coming & you don't want it.. but you have to practice. Keep pulling the yoke puuullllling, hearing the stall horn whine, waiting & then the feeling the plane goes limp .. Weightless... No thinking, you immediately do.. Pitch the nose down, FULL throttle, carb heat off, flaps up, watch that airspeed & VSI climb! No fear, just do!

Now, steep turns were not as smooth so need more practice.

Did an faster than usual decent. Love the view :)

Set up for landing up to Final. I will be handling landings soon enough :)

LOVE flying & learning more... Gaining more skills. LOVE it!

Virginia sky:)
Jim's landing.. Soon I'll be landing.

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