Saturday, November 2, 2013

Join Me on My Wonderland Adventure Today!

I've been meaning to check out a spot I noticed for quite some time. Signs saying trails by the James River. Finally, today.. Totally random, I committed to driving down the path to explore. My socks were blown out of this solar system. Beauty beyond what I expected all around. Fun & adventure calling my name. I explored & took pictures until my phone battery died!:) I was that enthralled!! 

The last 2 days have been incredible. Yesterday, I was flying up high in Virginia enjoying the Fall foliage & facing new challenges in taking off, flying & landing in strong crosswinds! When we started winds were at 11-20 knots. By the end, about 13 knots with gusts up to 30! Crabbed into the wind like Flying Wild Alaska episodes! It was so bumpy at times it felt like I was riding a Pegasus stallion or for you Marvel fans, it was like riding on the Hulk's shoulders as he lept mountain to mountain! It was incredible & I loved my new experiences! I will solo real soon!!:)

Then today... I discovered this amazing spot on the ground!:) I feel grateful to be experiencing such rich adventures. Truly reminds me of how amazing Life is when you align closer to the things that fire up your passions. It reminds me of how important that is... to be intentional in aligning with the things & people who bring out the best in us.

Join me in this chapter of my Wonderland, by sharing in the view I captured in my pics earlier today. I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed capturing them! I'd love to hear about your discoveries this weekend. Fess up!:)

Pretty sight first thing this am. Total contrast from yesterday's rainy day!
OhmerGAWWWWWW where are my socks?!!! Oh they've been blown out of this solar system!! I was stunned at how Awesome this place is!! View to the left.
View to the right.
My ears always perk up when I hear you:) My eyes always look up to find you!:)
This is like walking in a NationalGeographic  magazine!:D
Ok on to explore some new spots.
Good to know!
This impromptu exploration found me not wearing the appropriate footwear. Next time I will need to dress appropriately. Rocks are Very slippery so you should be extremely careful if maneuvering on them. Safety first!!! You could really get jacked up if you slip on the rocks. :/
Nice trails
I love these rocks!
Seriously working extra muscles climbing these rocks ~ Bring it!!:)
Superb view
Yes I'm having a home alone moment ~ 
Ahhhhhhh, this scene is Awesome Sauce!!!! 
Lil guy landed on me
Hey Dude, don't wing out! ;)
Doing his thing on this fine Fall day
Ha! Knew he was a fearless wascal!:) living on the edge!!
These leaves are as beautiful underwater as they are on land!
Just Wow:)
Beautiful Virginia Fall
I definitely must canoe on the James
Capt. John Smith traded with Indians here traveling along the river 1607-09. I find myself in awe walking the same grounds so rich in American historythroughout  Virginia. Amazing! 
More fall foliage googoogagaing by Me:)
Look closely. See the ducks?
H2O swoosh!
Near sensory overload!!!:) Today's River spot discovery & exploration was fantastic! Opening my sunroof to see...
Adventure was had today. A lovely chapter that reminds me how wonderful it is to find the things that take your breath away & fire up my happy feet:)

Today created great memories. Excited for more adventure.... I'm coming for ya!:)

Carpe Diem, I did!

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