Monday, March 24, 2014

Shrinky Dink Artist @IKnowTiffany, Richmond, Virginia

I know a fabulously talented artist named Tiffany. She is a Richmond gem. I met her through Social Media after moving to RVA from Southern California a few years ago.

She is definitely someone who stands out. Beautiful outside & in! She's got such a good, positive & geniune vibe. Real Rockstar quality!

A talented creative artist, she's also a successful Food Allergy blogger. I'm a fan of her & glad to say I know Tiffany!:-)

She recently unveiled & held an art show here in Richmond of Shrinky Dink Art. I was lucky enough to have a mini me created.... & a piece capturing a picture of me flying over Virginia. Could not have asked for a better moment. LOVE Flying!:-)

My aviator shrinky dink portrait:-)

Portraits from her Feb 2014 show:-)
Look at all the pieces she brought to life!
My nephews were so excited to check out my shrinky dink portrait:-) Cheese!
More cheesing:-D
My mini me piece, lower left! Love my flying moments!
The art show venue in Richmond, Virginia

Follow this RVA gem @iknowtiffany to get glimpses of her creative adventures.

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