Sunday, June 22, 2014

Wild Life Adventures: Natural Bridge Zoo, Virginia

Enjoyed a mini road trip with my friend Dionne this past weekend. We went to the Natural Bridge Museum to check out the baby tigers recently born there. It was an awesome sight!!

I will return! Many animals to see. You can buy feed to share with some animals throughout the park. Check out some wild moments captured here in Virginia!

Coming out of my shell! Shenanigans @ Natural Bridge Zoo, Virginia
Baby tiger!
Baby tiger!!
Variety of animals to see.
The following pics were taken by Dionne.

Of course, action shots with the statues, duh!!
Think twice buddy.
Facccceeee (say that with a snake hiss accent) off!
Lots of opportunities to feed animals. Buy a legit feed bag from the zoo.

Aside from the tigers, the second biggest deal was our elephant ride. Here we are with Bella! Zoo staff member took our pic!:-)

This was an adventure. Plus, driving through Charlottesville is Awesome!!!!

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